help us get there
We believe that pursuing an extraordinary tomorrow will create a better world today. Help us push for the thought change and innovation that will ensure the capabilities for interstellar travel by 2112.

Suggested Amounts
$29.12 Moon Phase
It takes approximately 29 days, 12 hours to cycle from one New Moon to the next. The changing phases of the moon was one of the first discoveries humans noted in the sky.
$93.00 From the Earth to the Sun
Contribute one dollar for every million miles between the Earth and the Sun, a reminder of the distance to Earth's closest star.
$150.00 Metric Astronomical Units
Contribute a dollar for every million kilometers between and the earth and the sun.
$365.00 Interstellar Coffee
A dollar a day for enabling interstellar capability. It’s like sitting down each morning for a cup of coffee with 100YSS. (Not the fancy stuff, just a small, strong jolt to get the day going with a cup of sunshine.)
$1000.00 Ten X 100YSS
A nice round number that will help tremendously!
Our trajectory is for the stars so if you can aim higher, please do!

your donation enables
- Projects and Partner programs
- Education, internships, and teacher professional development
- Future symposiums and events